Ways To Get A Male Child – Identify Truths For Making a Male Child


Eat these mineral rich foods and discover how they will support your desire to get pregnant with a boy

Food which is rich in potassium helps in becoming pregnant with a male baby. You will make your vaginal tract more alkaline by adding potassium to your diet. Y chromosome sperm that are responsible for making a male baby are more equipped to survive in an alkaline environment. It has been reported that women who gave birth to boys were consuming at least 300 mg more of potassium than were the mothers of girls. Foods rich in potassium include almost all vegetables with the exception of corn (which position is best for conceiving a boy). Sodium in another mineral that is helpful if you would like to have a son. Foods rich in both potassium and sodium include raisins and nuts and figs. Your partner can also add things to his diet to aid the male producing spermatozoa reach the ovum first. Zinc helps strengthen the male reproductive system and boosts his testosterone. He can get the recommended daily amount of 9 mg of zinc by eating foods such as oysters and other meats.

When a woman knows what to look for she can track ovulation easily and naturally. In order to see what days you will be ovulating you just need to make an ovulation calendar. The most fertile phase typically begins six days after the first day of your period. By following the changes of consistency and color in your cervical mucus you can know when you are ovulating. To increase the likelihood of pregnancy have intercourse when your cervical mucus closely resembles raw ovum white. Your baseline body temperature changes on the day of ovulation and can be tracked (howtoconceiveaboynaturally.com). Expect an increase of approximately 0.4 to 0.8 degrees when you are ovulating. Make a record of your temperature daily because it important to determine your own pattern and identify its change. Take care as several factors can disrupt your menstruation and ovulation cycle such as stress and poor nutrition.

There have been numerous studies to aid us in knowing how to conceive boys.

baby-boy-090Understanding the complete picture of conception will be beneficial in your goal to have a son. For some individuals conception comes in without any difficulties while some may need special procedures to attain it. If a woman is infertile it may mean that she is unable to carry a pregnancy to full term. There are many treatments for infertility and may be used in concert with other methods. One home conception implement that can help with fertilization and conception of a male is known as the cervical cap insemination method. By using this device you will allow all the available sperm to be placed directly on the cervical area which escalates the likelihood of conception. Fertility medications may be prescribed if conception is not occurring even though both the sperm and the reproductive organs are healthy. Another way to medically help conception of a boy is when a physician introduces spermatozoa into the uterus during ovulation via a catheter. A doctor will typically recommend these two methods first as fertilization still occurs inside the body.

A study that focused on this subject was completed by the Universities of Exeter and Oxford and involved 740 newly pregnant British women. During the time that the women were trying to become pregnant and during the beginning stages of pregnancy they provided written records of what they ate. Using this data it was determined that women who ate the most calories around the time of conception delivered more boys with 56% of the test subjects giving birth to male babies. The explanation is thought to lie with the evolutionary drive to produce descendants. There has been a decline of about one per 1,000 births annually of males in the developed world (ways to get a male child). Researchers think this happens because people tend to skip meals and ingest fewer calories. By skipping meals these women hope to maintain their weight with minimal calorie ingestion. Irregular eating habits can cause the body to think it is a time of starvation and to develop a female embryo during times of hardship. In addition to consuming more calories prior to conception the women who gave birth to boys were also more likely to have eaten higher-quality diets with a wider range of nutrients.